Call for workshop facilitators

Are you a talented artist or craftsperson and like to share your craft with others? The Festival of the Outback Skies in 2024 will host a range of workshops in the Showground Pavilions over the two days of the festival. We will provide you with workshop space, marketing, and ticketing services for your workshop. There is no charge for the workshop venue, and you keep your ticket sales.

Are you interested? If so, please complete the Expressions of Interest Form.

Your Details

Do you have public liability insurance, or are willing to obtain it for the festival?(Required)
Do you require an indoor or outdoor space for your workshop?(Required)
Are you interested in having a stall at the twilight markets by the lake on Sunday?(Required)
Would you like to add your wares to a collective stall at the twilight markets on Sunday?(Required)


Powerlink Copperstring

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